Every Picture Tells A Story...............................

This blog is dedicated to the memory of my loving mother. You will find many family photos here as well as commentary. This is for personal referance, so if I have sent you the link or mentioned this blog to you then consider yourself someone important in my life. You can scroll down to the very bottom and read the blog scrolling up, reading the posts as they were posted. There is also a listing below that states each posting and it's title as well as an archive, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

My Photo
Location: San Diego, California, United States

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wedding Day For Mom & Dad - Part 1

Mom and Dad on their wedding day.

Picture of Mom's Dad and Stepmother. I was named after my Grandfather, Charles . Pictured below with my Mom and Dad are my mother's sister Annettte and my Uncle Lou. Both my mother and her sister Annette look like beauty Queens. Two really beautiful couples. Aunt Annette and Uncle Lou were my godparents.


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