Every Picture Tells A Story...............................

This blog is dedicated to the memory of my loving mother. You will find many family photos here as well as commentary. This is for personal referance, so if I have sent you the link or mentioned this blog to you then consider yourself someone important in my life. You can scroll down to the very bottom and read the blog scrolling up, reading the posts as they were posted. There is also a listing below that states each posting and it's title as well as an archive, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

My Photo
Location: San Diego, California, United States

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Let's now officially meet the family....

Meet Lila and Al, the architects of the family. This picture was taken on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey for New Years Eve 1955/56. Mom is about 27 years old while Dad was only 24 years old. At that point in time my brother Farrel was the only child that had been born. The real question is, who was watching Farrel while Mom and Dad were off playing in Atlantic City.

We have already met my brother and sister, Farrel and Cara, in my very first posting. Here is a really cute picture of the 2 of them together. Farrel is dressed like a mature and distinguished young man. Cara looks real cute and special. Hmmmm, where did those days go? How quickly time passes. This picture is undated, it is my guess that it might have been taken in 1964, putting Cara at about 6 years old and Farrel at 9 years of age. This picture may have been taken in our home in Laurelton, Queens NY. We had lived there prior to moving to Long Island in January 1964.


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